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After four growing seasons, our wishes for our native plant garden are coming true!

After four growing seasons, our wishes for our native plant garden are coming true!

The holiday season is a good time to reflect on the things that actually worked out well this year – and our four year old native garden truly has. Lots of migratory birds raised their young here – exactly what we hoped for when we 

Will this be an “irruption” year?

Will this be an “irruption” year?

Join us Thursday night for dazzling pictures of the special birds which might visit us this winter!

Join us November 7 for our Northern Saw-whet Owl Program at the Jackson, NH Public Library

Join us November 7 for our Northern Saw-whet Owl Program at the Jackson, NH Public Library

Enjoy a slide show featuring the smallest and some would say cutest owls in the East!

Join us for a Mass Audubon on-line program November 21 at 7pm

Join us for a Mass Audubon on-line program November 21 at 7pm

Enjoy dazzling pictures of irruptive winter birds from the comfort of your couch!

Spiders in the Native Garden

Spiders in the Native Garden

I’m learning to appreciate spiders in the Native Garden!

Jackson Town Hall is getting a Pollinator Garden!

Jackson Town Hall is getting a Pollinator Garden!

The Mountain Garden Club brings a pollinator garden to Jackson Town Hall!

Recently Fledged Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Evening Primrose

Recently Fledged Ruby-throated Hummingbird and Evening Primrose

Native Plants are Magnets for Ruby-throated Hummingbirds!

Luna Moth Caterpillar inches its way down our American Hornbeam

Luna Moth Caterpillar inches its way down our American Hornbeam

Our American Hornbeam was a host plant for a Luna Moth!

Professor Doug Tallamy Comes to the North Country

Professor Doug Tallamy Comes to the North Country

Doug Tallamy received a warm welcome in the North Country last weekend.