Not Exactly in the Garden, but I Couldn’t Resist
Not exactly in the Garden, but a Northern Hawk-Owl thrilled us this week
Native plant gardening in New Hampshire's Mount Washington Valley
Not exactly in the Garden, but a Northern Hawk-Owl thrilled us this week
Join us as presenters online with MassAudubon to learn learn about transforming your yard as a haven for flora and fauna
A Sharp-shinned Hawk, Wild Turkeys and Bohemian Waxwings at Story Land
A Purple Finch and Evening Grosbeaks brought vibrant color to the snowy garden this week!
Checking the weather apps is fine, bu all you need to do is watch the Pine Siskins!
The Catskill’s Potter Wasp was one of many insects creating a healthy ecosystem in the 2023 garden!
The snow covered garden attracts dozens of delightful, twittering Pine Siskins!
Juncos, goldfinche and chickadees find lots to eat in the garden these days!
Three migrating Hermit Thrushes visited this week as we scrambled to get more than 300 plants in the ground!
Minimal Fall Clean-up is Essential to Protect Pollinators and Beneficial Insects.