Rosy-Maple Moth Refuses to be Ignored

Last summer, we found this Rosy-Maple Moth caterpillar in our back garden. It doesn’t look like much here, but we we thrilled to learn that it turns into a stunning, bright pink and yellow moth.

The Rosy-Maple Moth is so brightly patterned and distinctive that it is a perfect poster child for the moth world. Just after we found the caterpillar, Kathy and her niece saw a huge replica of it at a nature center in Maryland.

The moth looks more like a tiny stuffed animal, or a tropical insect, than something playing a role in the ecology of northern New Hampshire. We really, really, really wanted to see this moth – as much as the rare birds we have chased. After making a big deal about this moth during my garden club presentation, a friend from the club called last week to say she had one hanging out on her screen. ARRGGH – so jealous!

And then, the other night…

Kathy was up late intently cutting fabric for a a sewing project, bright lights blazing so she could see fine details. An insect buzzed around the nearby stand light, so she moved it farther away from her. Undeterred, the insect buzzed around her head, and she absently swatted it away. It landed on her hair, and she shook her head forcefully but it didn’t leave. Annoyed, she brushed it off, and it landed on the table.

Forced to finally divert her attention, Kathy glanced at her tormentor and recognized the moth she had wanted to see for so long. She stood there for a few minutes in shocked disbelief and then recovered enough presence of mind to take a few photos.

Is there a lesson here? Is it that sometimes what you’re looking for is right under your nose and if you’re too focused on getting things done you might miss it, or worse, squash it before you realize it’s exactly what you’ve been looking for? Maybe. Or maybe you should check that the screen is in place before you open a window.

Perhaps the Rosy-Maple Moth just didn’t want to be ignored. “Um, excuse me… pardon me… if I could just have a word… hello… HELLO!” I’m sure I’m reading too much into the intentions of a moth, but it’s fun to imagine.

Lesson or not, Kathy now reports taking regular breaks from sewing to look at the moths. Not surprisingly, she is seeing quite a few cool new species attracted by the lights… more in the next blog post.